Monday, August 4, 2008

Food to treat acne and retin a acne

You are definitely what you eat. Eat more healthy foods and your skin will become more healthy and less acne prone. Concentrate on getting more fibers as fibers are absolutely essential for the detoxification of your body. Constipation also means that your body is full of bacteria and germs as well as toxins that cannot be removed from the body. With more fiber consumption, you can get rid of the problem. Fibers can be found in vegetables and fruits.
A lanced pimple has a tiny rupture. The pus in the pimple can escape through that rupture. Still that pus will not come out on its own. It needs to be pushed out of the pimple.
Obviously one of the best things you can do when undertaking the treatment of acne is to read up on the subject, research the causes and the treatments for this skin affliction. One of the best tool available today is the internet. You can find vast amounts of information on the causes and treatment of acne on the information super highway.
tags: over the counter acne scar cream, laser acne scar removal in san francisco, natural products for acne

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